New look for the next Barrow trial
Regular Barrow club rider Peter Mawson put his hand up to offer his help in setting out the forthcoming Founder Members Trial by the Barrow Club on March 9 which will be at Stribers Farm, Haverthwaite with a start time of 10.30am and all entries taken on the day.
Peter has taken a different look at the land and managed to come up with 12 sections, five of which are on a different part of the land from the areas previously used in recent times and another seven in the usual areas, most of which are very different from those used in the past.
That’s one of the advantages of having a new look at land for a trial and Pete believes he has plotted something quite a bit different, so is hoping for a decent turn out for this multi-class trial which will have a Hard, Green and Clubman course.
The forecast for Sunday is bright sunshine ALL day, with zero chance of rain and a temperature high of 14 degrees, so ideal trialing conditions. It’s a decent lap length, hopefully there will be a full house of observers if the regulars turn up, so give this trial your support.