Both hard and easy at Borrowbridge
There was a healthy entry in excess of 70 riders at the Lakes GTRC trial at High Borrowbridge where there was a hard course, a clubman course and an easy clubman course.
Tom Swindlehurst was a very clear winner of the hard course route from Owen Gilchrist in a high scoring category with only four riders in single figures. Mike Instance was third and Sam Metcalfe fourth with scores of 17, 39, 48 and 80.
But in the main clubman category in which the bulk of the entry rode it was altogether different with winner Mark Quinn losing only 2 marks to keep SSDT spectator Simon Brice who had been in Scotland to watch and support his brother and nephew as runner up with pre 65 Bantam mounted Andrew Scott third with scores of 2, 6 and 8. In fact it was Quinn’s best result for a long time and no doubt he showed good form over the four laps.
Three clean rides were witnessed in the easy clubman class with Andrew Emmerson, Bryan Harrison and Nathan Ellis all keeping their feet firmly on the pegs through the day.
Full results can be found from the results link on the home page.