Costs to rocket with new ACU website – now with update
Since the item below was issued and published, the ACU have now made a significant change with the Directors deciding that the Permit Fee for all trials below international level will revert to £20, which is the figure currently paid by clubs to the Northern Centre.
However, permits will still need to be applied for via the ACU’s head office at Rugby and judging by the paperwork requirements, those making the application should consider doing so much earlier than they may have done so in the past.
You may be aware that currently the ACU (the main governing body of motorcycle sport in the UK) to which the Northern Centre is affiliated, are changing the organisation’s website from the one that has been in use for the past 12 years to a new system by a company named Sport 80, which is due to go live at the end of November.
Very little information has been released with regard to the new site’s capabilities except that it will replicate to a great degree the old site with a number of extra availability added in. Clubs will have been circulated with the basic details as supplied by the ACU, and some of those details have caused consternation within the sport as to the significant increase in costs that clubs will face in future.
Alex Sykes, the Treasurer and Permit Secretary for the North West Centre, which abuts with the Northern Centre has been in contact with Robert Wilson, who until last Sunday was the Northern Centre Chairman, and that email communication is repeated below for all interested parties in the Northern Centre who use this website to be informed. (The Stripe transaction fee is the card payment system the ACU will be using.)
—— Original Message ——
From: “Alex Sykes” <>
Sent: Tuesday, 15 Nov, 22 At 18:10
Subject: Sport 80 etc
Dear Robert,
Dear All,
Event permit Fee – set by Centre – £20Handling charge for memberships taken through ACU online system – 0%Handling charge for event entries taken through ACU online system – 3%
Event permit Fee – £50Handling charge for third part(sic) transactions – 4% hosting fee + 2.4% Stripe transaction fee + 20p per transaction – the example shows £1.48 retained from a £20 transaction.Handling charge for Club Management module – 3% Sport80 fee + VAT + 2.4% Stripe – with 80p being retained from a £10 transaction.
Example – Manchester 17’s Tower Charity Trial with a big entry of 134 adults at £30 and 6 Youths at £5.Total entry fees paid by riders £4050 less 3% = £121.52 taken by ACU for card fees = £3928.50New Sport80 system looks to cost:Total entry fees paid by riders £4050 less 4% hosting fee = (£162.00) less Stripe Transaction Fee 2.4% = £97.20 and £0.20 per transaction = 0.2 x 140 = £28.00Total cost was £121.52 under new system will be £287.20 = 2.36 as much!!!!! Add on the increased permit fee and the total is more than two and a half times as much.