Here we go with February’s happenings

Here we go with February’s happenings

February has arrived and whilst it’s still very much winter, Spring is definitely closer than it was back in November.

What’s the old fool talking about – simple really, the perceptible change in the weather should mean that we can progress through the upocoming months with fewer, in fact hopefully, no cancellations, which is something the trials world has experienced a lot of since November.

The month kicks off on February 4th with the Barrow Club’s Frank Jackson trial, a round of the Northern Centre Championship which makes the trial round 3 of the series and NOT round 5 as Bassenthwaite’s Turner Trophy and Bootle’s Fell Green were both cancelled due to the weather. However, Bootle are hoping to run the Fell Green a bit later on a date yet to be decided. The Frank Jackson is a road based, single lap trial starting from the Old Railway Line Torver and all entries will be taken at the start. Observers are wanted for this trial particularly if any observer has a trials bike to get out to a far flung moorland section. 10.30 is the start time. This is open to adults and A class who have a road licence over eeither a Hard, Green or Clubman course.

A week later Bassenthwaite have the  Robin Hood Trial. on the 11th at Glenridding, a fantastic venue for our sport and where again the entries will be taken at the start which will be from 10.30am. Normally this is a four lap trial and definitely an excellent event well worth riding. The courses will be the same as the Frank Jackson as listed above.

The pocket/wallet size dates calendar card issued last year suggests that the Fellside Auto Club have a classic trial on Saturday 17th but unfortunately due to many problems in organising forest based trials, this isn’t going to happen so the option that weekend on the 18th is Cumberland County’s MHB Motorcycles club trial at Uldale flagged from the B5299 which will have two courses, Clubman and Easy with a 10.30start. On-line entries only for this club through the ACU/Sport 80 system.

We round off February with the Barrow Club’s Founder Members trial on Sunday the 25th at a location yet to be decided, but it will be a sensible clubman event with a hard route for the small number of experts likely to ride.

Just to step into March now, Westmorland have the Milnthorpe Trial which is a S3 Parts Championship trial which will start from the Bowland Bridge area. Entries on line through Sport 80 which close on February 28 in time to get a programme organised. Currently there’s 119 entries with a limit of 150 so don’t delay. The date is March 3rd and the likely start time will be 9.30am. It’s a road based trial over a single lap. Observers are always wanted for this event so regulars could well get a call from Anthony Brockbank who is handling the course and hoping to find enough observers.

The motocross boys who may get to read this should note that we now have the dates from both West Cumbria MXC and also East Cumbria MXC and these have been posted into the Event calendar linked from the Home page.