Ben wins the Generation game

Ben wins the Generation game

Trying out a new category of classes rather than the regular Hard, Green, Clubman, Over 40 etc, was always going to be a risky format, but that’s what the Westmorland Club did on Saturday, June 17 when they categorised the event solely into machine age groups.

Unfortunately only 24 riders entered and took part but the majority did drag out an older bike – or at least a bike that was of the era, even though it may well have been built yesterday!

With no way of knowing what state of machinery might be used, the trial was set out on the relatively easy side and appeared to be well received. Ben Butterworth went clean which was some achievement, but the rest lost marks, varying from 1 through to 73, so on reflection it was probably just right at the club’s own venue, Lindale which was absolutely bone dry with not a scrap of moisture anywhere.

There’s no doubt that the small entry was disappointing, but the 24 who did ride the trial were full of praise for the basically straight forward sections suitable for older machinery. It was suggested that the lack of entrants could well have been due to the heat of the week, the fact that it was a Saturday, because there was a Rockshock double header in Devon that weekend or perhaps because there were at least three other trials scheduled within sensible driving distance for the following day. Whatever the reason, Westmorland put on a good trial and enjoyed a virtual full house of observers for the ten sections that were ridden four times, so thanks to them for their efforts.

Full results are linked from the home page and Eric Kitchen pictures will be in the gallery as soon as he gets his snaps back from the chemist!