Eric takes the cake!
This website is extremely fortunate to have Eric Kitchen as an enthusiast and supporter of this site as he is virtually the sole supplier of photographs used within the site and not only does he regularly send pictures following his attendance at a trial or the occasional scramble, as riders will know only too well, he sends images to riders individually via email – and all without charge.
Eric has been a motorcycle sports photographer for over 60 years, with his work having featured in newspapers, magazines and websites all over the world. In short, he is undoubtedly the best known and longest serving photographer ever to the sport.
On Friday January 6, Eric, Kitch, or EK as he is widely known, celebrated his 90th birthday and there’s no sign of him slowing down, which is great news for everybody, least of all this site.
In recognition of his contribution to the sport as a whole, Eric was presented with a birthday cake by Dougie Lampkin at the DL12 Indoor Arena Trial the day following his birthday which came as a massive and emotional surprise to him.