How to renew/buy your licence and join Westmorland, Bootle and Barrow clubs – latest update January 16
We understand that some riders are having difficulty in finding out how to buy their licence for 2023. Well, thanks to the Ripon Club, they have put on-line a document that tells you clearly how to register and buy your licence. We have lifted it from their website without requesting to do so, but in these difficult times thrust on the sport by our governing body, we are sure the Ripon guys and gals will be only too happy to share their information.
Here is the link:
In addition to the above, here are further details which may help. This actually refers to the Westmorland Club but the process remains the same if the link is altered to suit the club for which you are trying to contact, assuming the club has set up a membership page.
Westmorland MC Club Membership – 2023 and also Bootle SC
Club membership renewals and initial applications for Westmorland MCC membership for 2023 are now being managed through the new ACU Sports 80 online system. All you need to do is to click on the following link, enter your details and make the payment (all online). The link is
and for the Bootle Scrambles Club the link is
and for the Barrow Club the link is
Please note there is NO “www” prefix to the Bootle link.
Very soon it will be possible to join the Barrow club the same way but currently there is a technical problem that needs to be overcome.
It is VERY important that ALL member details are completed as without a totally completed form, the system will not approve a licence.
Tips to assist renewing your club membership and ACU Licence – Sports 80
Whilst some members have successfully renewed their membership and ACU licence, the following is aimed at assisting those who may be having difficulties with the new process:
Renewing club membership
- For Westmorland MC, the link is
- This will take you to a new Westmorland MC web page hosted by the New ACU Sports 80 system
- Click the membership join button
- On the next page – Click sign up
- Click the login button if you currently have an ACU Licence /membership
- Click register new if you never had an ACU membership
- You will then be redirected to the new ACU Sports 80 web site
- It’s best to save this page under favourites
- You will need to accept or reject the cookies request if this appears
- Enter your ACU email and password
- If you have forgotten your password – click on forgot password and you will then receive an email to change your password
- You may need to change your password if it is no longer compliant with the new security software – mixture of capitals, lower case and numbers
- Once you have entered your email and password it will take you back to the ACU Sports 80 Westmorland MC web site page
- Enter your details and pay by card
Renewing your licence
- Open up a web browser
- Enter ACU Sports 80 web page or search for it using a web browser or and then click on Auto Cycle Union
- Enter your ACU email and password – reset password if you need to
- Click on your member view profile
- Click on ‘member details’
- Click on status symbol ‘current’ or ‘lapsed’
- Start entering information
- There is a drop-down menu ‘membership type’. Scroll through this for what type of licence you need e.g. trial £20.00 or all disciplines £70.00
- Complete the form with payment, noting that last thing it asks against payment is the Post Code of the card holder – this is easily missed.
- With the licence renewal you get an email to confirm it.
- It is VERY important that ALL member details are completed as without a totally completed form, the system will not approve a licence.