October dates for your diary
5th/6th – Lakes Two Day Trial, Broughton in Furness, 9.30am, Entries full – Observers wanted, Contact Gary Gowan 07740 964982.
12th – Richmond MC, Scott Time and Observation Trial, Feldom Lane, Marske, 9am
20th – Cumberland County MCC, Dixie Dee Trial, Brownrigg Fell, Plumpton, Nr Penrith, 10.30am, ENTRIES ON-LINE ONLY, CLOSE SATURDAY 19TH
20th – Sheffield and Hallamshire MC, Jack Wood Trial, S3 Championship final round, High Bradfield, 9am, Entries Close Oct 6.
27th – Westmorland MC, John Holmes Trial for Twin-shocks and Air-Cooled Monos, Back ‘o’t’ Fell Road, Lindale, 10.30am, Entries at the start.