Stars gather for Westmorland’s end-of-year luncheon party

Stars gather for Westmorland’s end-of-year luncheon party

Nearly 60 enthusiasts for the sport that the Westmorland Club promotes enjoyed a great luncheon gathering on Friday December 29th when the club hosted their annual post Christmas gathering for the first time since the Pandemic.

The guests of honour were Speedway Champion Eric Boocock and enduro/trials/Dakar star Derrick Edmondson who were interviewed by Pete Remington (Eric) and by Mike Rapley (Derrick). The venue was again the sumptuous Crooklands Hotel who provided excellent refreshments through the day which brought to a close a superb year for the club who organised ten trials, two classic scrambles the famous Barbon Hill Climb, a three day international road run and a social gathering for all those who have helped the club through the year, culminating with the return of the post Christmas  luncheon party.

After the welcome by Peter Remington, who, together with Geoff Shuttleworth, organised the whole, successful affair, Peter interviewed Eric Boocock who was able to relate some interesting and often humorous tales of his time as a world class speedway rider, promotor, team manager and latterly trials rider and after a break for tea and coffee it was Derrick Edmondson’s turn to reveal some full explanations to some searching questions from Mike Rapley about his time as a rider in the British ISDE teams, the ISDE and in the Dakar where he finished in an incredible 22nd place back in 2003 having previously been a support driver in a Mercedes Uni-Mog for the Cagiva bike team.

There were some notable guests in the audience too with Alan Clough an early arrival together with Alan Lampkin and Mick Wilkinson, regular supporter of the club, Bill Brown of Wulfsport as well as many regular faces of riders and all-round supporters of the club. Lunch was laid on followed by a question and answer session and then a quick chat between Alan Lampkin and Mick Wilkinson hosted by Mike Rapley, to bring to an end a superb few hours to complete a great year for Westmorland MC.