Update on the Sedbergh club and Rockshocks
We believe that the Sedbergh Club’s trial scheduled for Sunday, April 30 has been cancelled but we also understand that the club’s Rockshocks Trial, known as the Potter Fell Trial scheduled for Saturday, May 20 now has regulations available. They can be viewed on the ACU Sport 80 website where they state that entries can be made on-line, which opened on April 26.
The club has everything sorted and with entries now available all is looking good for the third weekend in May. Enthusiasts for this series are probably well aware that it’s a double header weekend over May 20/21 with the Sedbergh club running on the Saturday and the Westmorland Club holding their round on the Sunday at Tow Tops, High Newton, for which it is possible to make an on-line entry via the ACU Sport 80 website, indeed a significant number of riders have already done so.