Watch out, he’s back!
Hi folks,
After two great weeks attending the two World Championship trials in Belgium and France, of which more later, returning home I faced what I guessed would have happened, and that was my desktop computer had totally died.
Despite many hours on the phone to those “in the know”, it appears it’s death seems permanent, which means the purchase of a new one is required. Thankfully, the 15 year old laptop I still have, gathering dust, has been persuaded into action sufficiently to get the results into the administration system of this website and hopefully you will be able to view them.
I have intentionally not written a report of either the two trials as those who were there will have already formed their own opinions, so it’s best to keep quiet until I’m back up and running with new equipment, hopefully next week.
However, Arron Murphy has done a cracking job with his motocross report and whilst Eric Kitchen has loads of pictures, just for this time, they are not being used due to the difficulty managing old software on this ancient laptop being used. That’s the excuse and sticking to it.