Baulked by a brolly
Claiming a baulk in a trial is occasionally seen as a way of getting a re-run when the rider’s initial attempt has been less than successful.
However, there can be a situation when claiming a baulk and requesting a re-run is perfectly right and proper, and that was the case at the John Holmes Trial organised by the Westmorland Club at Holme Farm, Middleton near Sedbergh.
For the rider in question, Damien Morey on a 350 Velocette riding the twinshock Easy Route, he had no other option as the observer’s umbrella had blown down the bank and lay right in his path. It was a case of continuing and destroying the brolly or stopping and asking for a re-run – which of course was granted. Either way it made no difference to his result but did preserve a Rock Oil umbrella for another day.
Outright winner Will Brockbank
One rider went clean through the three laps of 12 sections and that was EM mounted Will Brockbank on the Modern machine Hard Route, a result that was almost matched by John Maxfield who lost just one mark on the turn out of the stream at section 10 aboard his Bantam over the same Hard Route.
John Maxfield
Winner of the Easy Course Twinshock route was Phil Haygarth (our lead picture) who also did a bit of filming as he rode round the Cumbrian course whilst Cliff Metcalfe who has not ridden for many a long month managed to win the Modern bike class over the easy route.
Cliff Metcalfe
Full results are on the Home page and pictures from Eric Kitchen, if not already in the Gallery, will be very soon.