Frank Smith series results
The loss of a single mark riding his Montesa was all David Tallontire (lead picture) needed to win the Cumberland County’s Frank Smith series trial held at Haresceugh, an excellent location for trials high on the eastern Cumbrian hillside. Andrew Scott and Graham Teasdale took the second and third positions on 3 and 6 marks respectively to win the harder route of this club trial which attracted a total of 39 starters.
Lewis Gaskell. Dale Wilson. Connor Anderson
This was the first trial in the recently renamed Frank Smith series to honour and recognise the club’s late secretary who passed away last September, Frank had been at the helm of the club for as long as any of the current members could remember so it is fitting that a series of trials be named after him.
Over the easier course Dale Wilson proved to be the most successful losing 15 marks from Tony Johnston and Andy Thomas.
Full results are available from the Home page Results link with pictures from EK in the gallery very soon.